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Middle School

SCHOOL DAY: 8:00 AM - 3:05 PM

CDS Middle School continues to focus on the whole child; nurturing academic growth and stamina, fostering social-emotional maturity, and maintaining high expectations of character and kindness.  Students are encouraged to be appropriate risk-takers and empathic citizens in order to discover new passions, understand new perspectives, and promote strengths that will lead to community and global impact.


The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP), teaches our students to think critically and ask fundamental questions. The engine driving the MYP through every class moves on the belief that all students can be taught strong applicable skills to independently solve real-world problems. The learning environment challenges them to strive for their personal best and develop a passion for learning. 

Meet our Middle School Team

Chuck Maddox
Head of Middle School

Stacey Frankel, Assistant Head of Middle School

Stacey Frankel
Assistant Head of Middle School

Colin DeHate, MS Dean of Students

Colin DeHate
Middle School Dean of Students

Ashley Boyington, MS Administrative Assistant

Ashley Boyington
Middle School Admin

Sara Tullis, MS Counselor

Sara Tullis
Middle School Counselor

Aliya Killion MS Learning Specialist

Aliya Killion
Middle School Learning Specialist

Sabrina McCartney US History & MYP Coordinator

Sabrina McCartney
MYP Coordinator