September 26, 2024
Patriots around the world—alumni, students, parents, friends, neighbors, faculty, and staff— will come together for CDS Day of Giving 2024, a 24-hour online initiative to make Every Connection Count in Patriot Nation. Every dollar donation to Day of Giving goes directly to the Patriot Fund which supports academic and extra curricular programs, faculty and staff needs, facilities maintenance, and enhancements to the student experience. All of which, help us live our mission of creating entrepreneurial thinkers for a global society. Help move the mission of CDS forward by supporting Day of Giving on October 29, 2024!
Saturday, September 28th @ 8:00 am
Come pick up your t-shirts on Friday from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm in International Square.
Look for a Friday email with Patriot Run day information!
Sponsored by the Carrollwood Day School Patriot Booster Club and the Caplan Family.
Monday - PJ Day
Tuesday - Cowboys vs. Aliens
Wednesday - Minions
Thursday - Blue Vibes: Skiers vs. Surfers
*See National Blue Out Day Info
Friday - CDS Spirit Day
Friday, September 27th
Booster Tailgate 5:00 pm
Alumni Tailgate 6:00 pm
GAME TIME v. Lakeland Christian 7:00 pm
Homecoming Court Announced - Halftime
Support Event for Pediatric Cancer
Now through Tuesday, October 1st at the Middle School Football Game
Bring stuffed animals, board games, and activity books for kids in the hospital
47 kids are diagnosed with cancer each day. By spreading awareness we can help bring that number down and help kids that are struggling with cancer.
Want to know more about Middle School?
Don't miss out on an opportunity to learn more about Middle School!
Tuesday, October 15th
Wagner Entrepreneurial Center
Open to all parents of elementary students
Click HERE to RSVP!
Attention parents and CDS supporters!
Do YOU want a Spirit Shirt?
They are NOW available at our online Spirit Store!
As a reminder, if you plan on opting out of the meal plan after this month, please fill out the form below.
Join us in welcoming our newest Patriot to Mrs. Polanco's kindergarten class!
WELCOME Leyton L.!
We hope you have a great year in Patriot Nation!
Join us on October 16th for National Blue Out Day and show your support by wearing BLUE as part of the Team Protectors National Awareness Campaign!
The students of See Us Now here at CDS are leading this national campaign, and they need your help to raise awareness!
- Elementary
- Middle School
- Upper School
- Athletics Info & Dates
- Key Info
- Patriot Nation Community Connection
- Archived Thursday Folders
Dawn Wilson
Head of Lower School
Email me!
Come Support Our Senior-Athletes!
Oct. 1st @ 5:15pm Tampa Palms Country Club
Oct. 10th @ 5:45 pm Hayes Family Gymnasium
Football, Cheer, Golf, & Cross Country
October 11th @ 6:30 pm
Wagner Athletic Complex
ECC Students
The ECC students proudly take to the field, forming an arch to welcome the football players as they make their grand entrance at Senior Night!
Senior Night, October 11th
*stay tuned for more info*
The Fall Festival now includes a Talent Show!
All students in the lower school are encouraged to submit their applications for the talent show. It’s going to be a great event.
Videos showcasing your talent are due October 18th.
Parents of Lower School Students
Elementary School Age Edition
New Release Film Viewing
October 7th
CDS Theater
This new version of the original Screenagers movie addresses issues that elementary school aged kids, parents and educators are facing, i.e., smartwatches in class, unhooking from and monitoring video gaming, social media pressures, exposure too young and what research shows is a healthy amount of screen time. With many solutions to these and other challenges. Screenagers: Elementary School Age Edition, is an essential watch for all those looking to address and support mental wellbeing in the digital age.
Join your child at the ECC for
Donuts & Drop-Off
Toddlers & PreK 3
Tuesday, October 15th @ 8:00-8:30 am
PreK 4
Thursday, October 17th @ 8:00-8:30 am
Friday, Oct. 18th @ 8:00-8:30 am
Did your student miss picture day?
Retakes & Class Pictures
November 12th
The Patriot Gala 2025 Planning Committee is looking for volunteers to help with a variety of assignments. Please consider joining our awesome group and have fun planning this CDS signature fundraising event.
Beyond the Bell Enrichment Sessions
Session 1:
August 26th - October 4th
Makeups - October 7th - 11th
SESSION 2 - Starts 10/21
Catalog and Registration open 10/1
Power Hour Sessions
Session 1: August 21st - October 9th
Session 2: October 16th - December 11th
Session 3: January 15th - March 12th
Session 4: March 26th - May 14th
Catalog and Sign Up will be done through your Veracross Parent Portal - Auxiliary Tab.
CDS is excited to roll out the 2024-2025 Carrollwood Day School Friends of the Performing Arts!
We are looking for FOPA Division Ambassadors. If you're interested, contact FOPA at FOPA@carrollwooddayschool.org.
Membership levels for every division. Free entry to all theatre shows, all year!
If you would like to volunteer, please contact FOPA. Volunteers get reserved seating.
Keeping you informed and safe.
- Flu Season is coming! Read more.
- There has been an uptick in the flu and COVID.
- There has been an increase of Par B19 virus. Read more.
- FDA approves first nasal spray for treatment of anaphylaxis. Read more.
Dawn Wilson
Head of Lower School
Email me!
All Pro Dad Chapters provide an opportunity for dads to spend quality time with their children that will strengthen their relationship. For one hour each month you'll get to join other dads and kids at school for a fun, memory-making event.
Fall 2024 Meeting Schedule
Tuesday, October 8th
Tuesday, November 12th
Tuesday, December 10th
Location: Student Union
Time: 7:00 am
Breakfast available for purchase
More Info & RSVP
Come Support Our Senior-Athletes!
Oct. 1st @ 5:15pm Tampa Palms Country Club
Oct. 10th @ 5:45 pm Hayes Family Gymnasium
Football, Cheer, Golf, & Cross Country
October 11th @ 6:30 pm
Wagner Athletic Complex
Class Picture Day
November 14th
*Make up individual photos will be October 8th.
Did you miss Richard Guerry's presentation on Digital Safety & Mindfulness and the responsible use of technology?
You can access the information you missed HERE!
Username: CDS
Password: Community
Institute for Responsible Online and Cellphone Communication
The Fall Festival now includes a Talent Show!
All students in the lower school are encouraged to submit their applications for the talent show. It’s going to be a great event.
Videos showcasing your talent are due October 18th.
Parents of Lower School Students
Elementary School Age Edition
New Release Film Viewing
October 7th
CDS Theater
This new version of the original Screenagers movie addresses issues that elementary school aged kids, parents and educators are facing, i.e., smartwatches in class, unhooking from and monitoring video gaming, social media pressures, exposure too young and what research shows is a healthy amount of screen time. With many solutions to these and other challenges. Screenagers: Elementary School Age Edition, is an essential watch for all those looking to address and support mental wellbeing in the digital age.
4th Grade
Aria O.
Asher J.
Avery R.
Emma C.
Erena S.
Madeline M.
Laila J.
Lucas G.
Saoirse V.
5th Grade
Emma C.
Aryana D.
Arjun P.
Harper L.
Ian B.
Jonathan B.
Madeline B.
Madelyn C.
Juewel D.
Marcial M.
Masen M.
Mia M.
Parthvi P.
Reese N.
Sofia C.
Sophia M.
Violet D.
From 3:30 - 4:00 pm the cut-through is open only to dismiss carline from the MS/US side.
Elementary families, please do not come from the elementary side to the west side during this time.
Parent Training with Julie Porceli from Jr. Achievement
Grades 1-2
January 27, 2024 8:30-9:30
Multipurpose Room
2 volunteers needed per grade level
Please contact Lisa Vicencio at Lvicencio@cdspatriots.org
Click HERE for more information!
Beyond the Bell Enrichment Sessions
Session 1:
August 26th - October 4th
Makeups - October 7th - 11th
SESSION 2 - Starts 10/21
Catalog and Registration open 10/1
Power Hour Sessions
Session 1: August 21st - October 9th
Session 2: October 16th - December 11th
Session 3: January 15th - March 12th
Session 4: March 26th - May 14th
Catalog and Sign Up will be done through your Veracross Parent Portal - Auxiliary Tab.
It’s wonderful seeing so many parents at Morning Opening on Mondays and Fridays this year!
Please remember that parents need to stand behind the assembled students in the courtyard so that the children can see.
After Morning Opening students go back to their classes and begin learning for the day so please refrain from disrupting them.
The Patriot Gala 2025 Planning Committee is looking for volunteers to help with a variety of assignments. Please consider joining our awesome group and have fun planning this CDS signature fundraising event.
Keeping you informed and safe.
- Flu Season is coming! Read more.
- There has been an uptick in the flu and COVID.
- There has been an increase of Par B19 virus. Read more.
- FDA approves first nasal spray for treatment of anaphylaxis. Read more.
Middle School
Monday - PJ Day
Tuesday - Cowboys vs. Aliens
Wednesday - Minions
Thursday - Blue Vibes: Skiers vs. Surfers
*See National Blue Out Day Info
Friday - CDS Spirit Day
Friday, September 27th
Booster Tailgate 5:00 pm
Alumni Tailgate 6:00 pm
GAME TIME v. Lakeland Christian 7:00 pm
Homecoming Court Announced - Halftime
Rules to Remember
Pajama day is for Pajama pants NOT pajama shorts. Any shorts worn during the week must be fingertip length. Footwear: Crocs are okay if they go with your costume. Slippers are only allowed on PJ day. No toy weapons allowed. Props must not be a distraction in class. No masks or face coverings. No inflatable costumes (these are distracting).
The 8th Grade Sunrise Breakfast is cancelled for tomorrow morning and will be rescheduled at a later date.
Dr. Chuck Maddox
Head of Middle School
Email me!
There's something for everyone in the middle school! Check out the club list below.
8th Grade Yearbook Ads are on sale now.
Click the "Buy My Ad" button below and make sure to select 8th grade ad under Create an Ad.
Ads are due January 6th.
Class Picture Day
December 10th
*Make up individual photos will be October 8th.
Did you miss Richard Guerry's presentation on Digital Safety & Mindfulness and the responsible use of technology?
You can access the information you missed HERE!
Username: CDS
Password: Community
Institute for Responsible Online and Cellphone Communication
7th and 8th Grade Trip Info
If you missed the parent meetings for the 7th and 8th grade trips, you can view Mr. DeHate's presentations below.
7th Grade Keys Trip Meeting Recording
8th Grade DC Trip Meeting Recording
Come Support Our Senior-Athletes!
Oct. 1st @ 5:15pm Tampa Palms Country Club
Oct. 10th @ 5:45 pm Hayes Family Gymnasium
Football, Cheer, Golf, & Cross Country
October 11th @ 6:30 pm
Wagner Athletic Complex
Join us for a VIRTUAL 6th grade class trip meeting!
6th Grade Space Coast Trip
Parent Meeting
October 16
5:00 pm
virtual only
Community Engagement Fair
Parents with students needing community service hours are invited to attend the Community Engagement Fair
The Community Engagement Fair features representatives from over 20 agencies that will share information on ways your student can get engaged
October 22nd
11:15 am - 12:30 pm
Any parents who are involved with an agency that would like to be a part of this event can complete this form.
Beyond the Bell Enrichment Sessions
Session 1:
August 26th - October 3rd
Makeups - October 7th - 11th
SESSION 2 - Starts 10/21
Catalog and Registration open 10/1
Power Hour Sessions
Session 1: August 21st - October 9th
Session 2: October 16th - December 11th
Session 3: January 15th - March 12th
Session 4: March 26th - May 14th
Catalog and Sign Up will be done through your Veracross Parent Portal - Auxiliary Tab.
The Patriot Gala 2025 Planning Committee is looking for volunteers to help with a variety of assignments. Please consider joining our awesome group and have fun planning this CDS signature fundraising event.
Keeping you informed and safe.
- Flu Season is coming! Read more.
- There has been an uptick in the flu and COVID.
- There has been an increase of Par B19 virus. Read more.
- FDA approves first nasal spray for treatment of anaphylaxis. Read more.
Upper School
Upper School Class Trips
10th Grade
11th Grade
Class of 2026
St. Augustine and UCF
Wednesday, January 8 - Friday, January 10
11th graders will embark an exciting educational adventure to historic St. Augustine and the University of Central Florida (UCF) campus! In St. Augustine, students will explore the rich history and culture of America’s oldest city. The trip will continue with a visit to UCF, where students will tour the campus, learn about academic programs, and get a taste of college life. This trip offers a perfect blend of history and higher education, designed to inspire our students as they prepare for their futures.
Early Bird Cost - $899 until 7/15/2024
Regular Cost - $951
Registration deadline 10/5/2024
12th Grade
Class of 2025
Disney World
Thursday, January 9 - Friday, January 10
12th Graders will enjoy a two-day Disney trip for the Class of 2025. Students will be visiting Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios.
Cost $450 + food expenses for two lunches and one dinner (approx. $75-100) will be the students' responsibility
Registration deadline 10/31/2024
Stephen Higgins
Head of Upper School
Email me!
Did you miss Richard Guerry's presentation on Digital Safety & Mindfulness and the responsible use of technology?
You can access the information you missed HERE!
Username: CDS
Password: Community
Institute for Responsible Online and Cellphone Communication
Keeping you informed and safe.
- Flu Season is coming! Read more.
- There has been an uptick in the flu and COVID.
- There has been an increase of Par B19 virus. Read more.
- FDA approves first nasal spray for treatment of anaphylaxis. Read more.
Senior Yearbook Ads are on sale now.
Click the "Buy My Ad" button below and make sure to select senior ad under Create an Ad.
Ads are due January 6th.
Saturday, September 28, 2024
7:00-10:00 PM
Price: $55/ticket
Get Your Tickets Now!
Tickets will not be sold at the door.
Contact Mrs. Nolen at jnolen@carrollwooddayschool.org with questions. The Non-CDS Guest form is on Schoology.
Come Support Our Senior-Athletes!
Oct. 1st @ 5:15pm Tampa Palms Country Club
Oct. 10th @ 5:45 pm Hayes Family Gymnasium
Football, Cheer, Golf, & Cross Country
October 11th @ 6:30 pm
Wagner Athletic Complex
Community Engagement Fair
Parents with students needing community service hours are invited to attend the Community Engagement Fair
The Community Engagement Fair features representatives from over 20 agencies that will share information on ways your student can get engaged
October 22nd
11:15 am - 12:30 pm
Any parents who are involved with an agency that would like to be a part of this event can complete this form.
Tuesday, October 29th
Check-in: 7:45 - 8:00 am
Exam Start: 8:30 am
Dismissal Time: 12:00 pm
Students with accommodations have a dismissal time of 1:00 pm
Check-in will be in International Square
Wednesday, October 30th
Check-in: 7:45 - 8:00 am
Exam Start: 8:30 am
Dismissal Time: 12:00 pm
Students with accommodations have a dismissal time of 1:00 pm
Check-in will be in International Square
These are ½ days for grades 9-11.
Were you unable to attend Back to School Night? Below are some of the presentations from the evening.
10th Grade
Personal Projects Presentation with voiceover by MYP Coordinator, Sabrina McCartney
Personal Projects Presentation
11th Grade
IB DP 101 Presentation
Class Picture Day
December 10th
Make sure to subscribe to your Veracross Household calendar to ensure you don't miss an event!
College Representative Visits to CDS Fall 2024
These dates are subject to change so check back often.
Students must register 24 hours prior to the scheduled visit as well as obtain a prepared absence form from the college counseling office and have it signed by their affected block teacher.
BAIS College Fair
October 6th
12:00 - 2:00 pm
The Coliseum
535 4th Ave N
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Students must wear a CDS polo or shirt with school name on it
College Financial Aid Night
Bradley Wood from The College Funding Coach will discuss the CSS Profile
Dameion Lovett- Campus Director of Financial Aid at USF Tampa will discuss the FAFSA form
October 10th
6:45 - 7:45 pm
CDS Theater
Beyond the Bell Enrichment Sessions
Session 1:
August 26th - October 3rd
Makeups - October 7th - 11th
SESSION 2 - Starts 10/21
Catalog and Registration open 10/1
Power Hour Sessions
Session 1: August 21st - October 9th
Session 2: October 16th - December 11th
Session 3: January 15th - March 12th
Session 4: March 26th - May 14th
Catalog and Sign Up will be done through your Veracross Parent Portal - Auxiliary Tab.
Remember to check the Senior Parent Portal page on the website for the latest senior information.
The Patriot Gala 2025 Planning Committee is looking for volunteers to help with a variety of assignments. Please consider joining our awesome group and have fun planning this CDS signature fundraising event.
11th Grade Science Collaborative Project
Thursday, October 31st
Tuesday, November 19th
These dates are MANDATORY for students.
Athletics Info & Dates
CDS Athletics uses GoFan online ticketing.
CDS GoFan page
Patriot fans can find upcoming events on the CDS GoFan page and purchase tickets quickly and easily in advance. This will save time at the gate and allow for a contactless and simple experience when fans arrive at the gym or the field.
GoFan is the official digital ticketing partner for FHSAA, and is used for playoff games in the state of Florida.
Join the 2024-2025 Carrollwood Day School Booster Club!
We are a community of parents, alumni, and friends who, in close cooperation with the CDS Athletics Department, support and encourage the passion of all Patriot Nation athletes. We are planning many exciting events for this year.
In addition, we always need volunteers to help us support all these amazing athletes. Please click the link if you would be willing to do so.
Your membership is good for the entire 2024-2025 school year so, join today!
Volunteer to help
Please put "I want to help" in the subject line of your Volunteer to Help email.
Come Support Our Senior-Athletes!
Oct. 1st @ 5:15pm Tampa Palms Country Club
Oct. 10th @ 5:45 pm Hayes Family Gymnasium
Football, Cheer, Golf, & Cross Country
October 11th @ 6:30 pm
Wagner Athletic Complex
MS Athletics
US Athletics Event
Key Info
We would like to inform you about an important update regarding incidental billing this month.
On September 16, we billed all incidental charges to your account.
This month's billing included if applicable, the following items:
- August charges for transportation
- Aftercare charges (annual payment plan if chosen, monthly, and drop-ins for August)
- September meal charges
Moving forward, meal charges will be billed on the 1st of the month for which the meals are being served. For any additional information or questions, please Email Us.
Parents, please make sure that you are logging into your Veracross profile and updating your pick-up authorization section (under your household profile) as you have different people picking up your students. CDS will not be able to release students to unauthorized personnel.
With the changing needs of technology for our students, we have updated our tech requirements for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are buying computers for holiday gifts, please take a moment to review the specifications our IT department recommends.
For the 2024-2025 school year, all student medical and sports information will be in Magnus Health. Make sure you have completed your students State Required Forms prior to the first day of school. You can access your Magnus Health account via your Veracross Parent Portal.
Accessing Account: Cayce French
Health Forms: CDS Nurse
Athletic Forms: Melissa Lisi
For new students, if you have not yet received a Schoology account, please contact the CDS Help Desk.
Stay Informed with SeeSaw
Seesaw is the primary communication tool used by ECC teachers. Seesaw provides a secure and safe, easy-to-use, way for students, teachers, and parents to seamlessly communicate and collaborate to enhance students’ learning and success. Seesaw is a digital portfolio that students will use to showcase what they are learning and doing at school and share with their family.
- Billing for the unlimited meal plan began on September 3rd via Veracross. Your Veracross account will be automatically charged monthly if you did not opt-out.
- The Flik Opt-out Dining Plan has three options: Pay for the year, Pay for a 25 pack, Pay by meal. All of these options are billed through Veracross billing on a monthly basis.
- To participate in the 25-pack meal plan, use the Opt-out form and select the option to participate in the 25-pack meal plan.
- The Meal Plan includes the hot food lunch line, grab and go items, salad bar, and sandwich bar. Only sides, salad bar, and deli station are unlimited visits.
- The Meal Plan does not include the food truck (which opens in September), the Patriot Marketplace retail items, or the smoothie machine. Those items can be purchased with your QuickCharge account or Apple Pay
- Breakfast is also available using the Quick Charge App or Apple Pay
Read more about the Flik Dining Program.
Your Veracross account will be automatically charged monthly. If you wish to change your child's enrollment in the 2024-2025 Meal Plan, please email Flik@cdspatriots.org.
If your student has any food allergies or dietary restrictions, please fill out this form so our dining staff are aware.
FLIK Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month in September
In coordination with our Hispanic Heritage Festival on September 16th, the Flik kitchen will enjoy a "Kitchen Takeover" by Chef Julio who will be cooking up some hispanic cuisine!
Please note that any texts that are sent from CDS will have "From CDS:" at the beginning of it. If you receive a text without our heading in front of it, please assume it is not from our school. Email CDS if you have any questions.
Reminder if your CDS students will be riding the bus, please fill out the 2024-2025 Transportation Agreement form.
All late arrivals and early dismissals need to come through the elementary front office. The gate to the east lot is closed from 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. for security purposes. Please enter through the main gate at the west entrance, pull through the cut through behind the Center for Innovation, and into the west lot to enter the ES office.
CDS uses two text systems to get information out to our families. Please save these numbers in your phone.
While this is an opt-out text service, please note, we use this service for reminders about class trips, meetings, etc.
73959 (from Veracross)
Wonder how to subscribe to your Veracross household calendar or update your phone number in Veracross? Check out the CDS How To Video channel.
Early Dismissal and Absences should now be recorded in Veracross. Log into your Parent Portal and click the "Submit an Absence" on the right hand side.
CDS uses the PikMyKid app to help improve the flow of traffic during dismissal. By default, all children have been set up in the app to be picked up in carline. See page 3 of the PikMyKid Instruction packet to make adjustments to your child's dismissal plan. (These changes can be done daily or scheduled for a block of days.)
- Indicate if your child will be staying for aftercare.
- You can add other approved contacts to pick up your child. Be sure to have your non-CDS parent contacts (grandparents, nanny, etc.) set up the PikMyKid app on their smartphone as well.
- If your child is carpooling with another family, be sure to indicate that change on the applicable calendar date.
- PikMyKid Parent FAQs
Did you know that CDS has a VIMEO channel that houses all our recordings of parent coffees, event videos, and so much more?
Notes from the Nurse Video Series
Questions? Please email the school nurse at nurse@carrollwooddayschool.org.
Every week our CDS Community amazes us with their innovation, creativity, character, and excellence. Read some unbelievable stories about our CDS Patriots.
The CDS Counseling Department has grown this year! Take a moment to "Meet the CDS Counselors" here to take care of your students.
Middle School students are welcome to remain on campus after dismissal. After school policies have been established to enable students to remain on campus and participate in athletic team practices/games and other supervised after school activities. No student will be allowed to "hang out" on campus unsupervised after dismissal.
The Safe School Helpline is not for issues that are emergencies or immediate in nature.
If there is an emergency, please call 911
then contact the CDS Security Office.
Need Support Now?
If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org