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August 17, 2023

POWER HOUR starts next week on August 23rd.

Flik Dining

This summer, CDS and our Dining Services company, FLIK, have been working hard to ensure meals at CDS during the 2023 - 2024 school year are easy, quick, and enjoyable! To this end, we are excited to announce some changes to our dining services.

  • Flik has switched from My School Bucks to QuickCharge
  • All CDS students will have an easy-to-use lunch card to speed up service during lunch
  • The CDS Food Truck is back!
  • CDS now has its own Flik Director of Dining Services
    • Welcome Ernest Durino

If you have any questions, please email Ernest Durino.

security news

If you weren't able to attend the Back to School Fair, click here to read the latest updates from our CDS Security Department.

2023-2024 CDS window clings will be coming home with students this week if you did not pick yours up during the Back to School Fair. Please remove the 2022-2023 sticker and place the new cling inside your vehicle on the lower left of your driver's side windshield.

HB1 School Choice Expansion Explanation

Recently, there has been increased interest in state-funded scholarships since the expansion of the program through House Bill 1. Three years ago, CDS stopped accepting new state-funded scholarships, such as Step Up, while honoring existing state-funded scholarship agreements with enrolled families. Our intention is to exit the program entirely as the last recipients graduate or shift to our internal financial aid program. Our name will remain listed on the website as accepting the scholarships until the legacy recipients graduate or are moved to our financial aid program, which has caused some confusion, but we are not accepting any new state-funded scholarships at this time.

For more information about this decision, please visit our ​tuition page on the website.  If you have any further questions about the HB1 School Choice Expansion program, please reach out here.