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July 27, 2023

Back to School

Don't forget your Back 2 School and Summer Assignments

On this page you will find Key Dates for the 2023 - 2024 school year, events and orientation info for the next school year, as well as summer assignments and recommendations from faculty in each division. Please make sure to check this page often to ensure all work is completed before school starts.

Reminder: All summer work needs to be completed by August 16th.

Monday, August 14: 8:00 am - 12:30 pm
Tuesday, August 15: 8:00 - 10:30 am
International Square

With the school year starting, we want to make sure you're prepared! Join us on either day to get information from the following CDS Clubs and Departments: Booster Club, PTO, FOPA (Friends of the Performing Arts), Athletics, Aftercare/Enrichments (Beyond the Bell), Nurse, FLIK, Business Office, Security, Technology (Schoology/Veracross). This is an information event and is not mandatory.

Colorful Welcome

CDS Welcomes Our Newest Staff 

Busean Baldwin - Tech/AV Support Analyst
Synthia Fuentes - Accounts Receivable Specialist
 Mark Hilton - Security Officer
Amber Palinkas  - Controller
Richard Willoughby  - Network Administrator

Chris Flynn - Director of Information Technology
Cayce French - Registrar/Database Manager
Rachel Paggio - Admissions Assistant
Jim Poulin - System Administrator
Charlotte Benziger - Assistant Director of Admissions
Jes Nugent - Admissions Associate for Lower School
Tim Walsh - Assistant Head of School for Curriculum

CDS Pop Up Shop - Reduce, Rewear, Repurpose, Recycle

Gently used and clean uniform donations can be dropped off at any of the front desk locations on both campuses. 

Fall Pop Up Shop Dates
August 9: 12:00 - 4:00 pm
August 10: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

 Sign Up TO VOLUNTEER Today!

Booster Club 2023-24

CDS is excited to roll out the 2023-2024 Carrollwood Day School Booster Club!

We will offer three windows for membership. The first window is from now until the first home football game, on October 6th. We will open again for a two-week window for winter sports and again in the spring.

Your membership is good for your family for the entire 2023-2024 school year so,

Join us Now!


There will be NO POWER HOUR on the first day of school, August 16th.