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November 9, 2023


Show your CDS spirit with spirit wear on Tuesday, November 14th in celebration of our CDS Day of Giving! Wear any CDS spirit shirt with uniform bottoms!


Just a reminder that the parent surveys conducted by ISM were sent to the Household Primary Email listed in Veracross on 10/30. Please check your inbox and junk folders for this email and fill out at your earliest convenience. 

We want to know what you think!

Transportation Reminder

Rideshare Policy:
Students can not be taking Uber/Lyft/RideShare rides to or from school without a supervising adult. Minors should not ride alone.

CDS Gala 2024 - Balance

The Patriot Gala
March 2, 2024

Family/Business Sponsorship Opportunities

Auction Item Donation Form

Support our annual fundraiser!



Technology at CDS

With the changing needs of technology for our students, we have updated our tech requirements for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are buying computers for holiday gifts, please take a moment to review the specifications our IT department recommends. 

2024-2025 Tech Requirements