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January 18, 2024


The Patriot Gala
March 2, 2024

Get your tickets today!

And don't forget your Golden Ticket for your chance to win an AMAZING vacation! Only 100 tickets will be sold.

Lunar New Year

CDS Celebrates Lunar New Year!

Monday, February 12th

We are so excited to hold our second CDS Lunar New Year Street Festival along the Elementary Courtyard. With games, performances, and education about how celebration is done around the world, this will be a wonderful day!

We are looking for volunteers to help.


CDS Power Hour

Session 3 Power Hour  Registration is LIVE!

This session will be 13 weeks beginning February 7th through May 15th. NO lessons on March 13th and May 1st. 

Register Today!

CDS Spirit Shop

The CDS Spirit Shop opens on Sunday, January 21st!

Get your CDS Spirit Gear!

Athletics Logo

Spring Sports Registration is OPEN!

Sign up for Flag Football, Beach Volleyball, Baseball, Softball, Tennis, and Track & Field!
Spring Sport Registration


Re-enrollment is open until January 31st. Please make sure your re-enrollment contract is complete to ensure your 2024-2025 spot.

To finalize re-enrollment for your child, please follow these steps (you can do so by logging onto your Veracross Portal re-enrollment portal):

1. Update your Household Profile 
2. Sign and submit your Enrollment Contract (Ensure that BOTH parents have signed the contract).
3. Update VC Pay
4. Pay the enrollment deposit (you can not pay your deposit until VC Pay is updated)

These steps must be done in order to be completed. If you have trouble, please contact the Admissions Department.