October 26, 2023
A big THANK YOU to the amazing community of CDS parents for your phenomenal support of the Stock the Lounge, from ordering everything in the Amazon wishlist in just 1 day to volunteering to sort and distribute the items to each of the 14 lounges. You all are incredible!
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s 2023 Patriot Run.
We had over 400 registered participants and raised $27,000 to support our student athletes!
Thank you to all our generous sponsors!
National Honors Society hosts a Blood Drive
November 3, 2023
7:45 am - 12:45 pm
Parents and Students age 17 and up. (16 year olds can donate with written consent)
The Patriot Pop Up Shop is coming back!
November 9th
Now accepting gently used uniforms at all of the reception desks.
More details to come.
As an IB school, we recognize and celebrate student's cultures and languages. We want to have books to support the students' home languages in our library. Please let us know the languages you speak at home.
Beyond the Bell & Power Hour Session 2 Sign-ups are LIVE!
Browse the catalog and register today!
- Elementary
- Middle School
- Upper School
- Athletics Info & Dates
- Key Info
- Patriot Nation Community Connection
- Archived Thursday Folders
Dawn Wilson
Head of Lower School
Email me!
The Patriot Spirit Shop will be open on October 22 - 29, 2023
New designs this month, including the 2023-2024 Spirit Shirt!
Connections Matter at CDS!
October 27th, 2023
Students are encouraged to come to school dressed as a book character. Please make sure your child has a uniform/change of clothes to change into after the festivities. ECC students will participate in the 2nd annual Trunk-or-Treat organized by the PTO.
October 31st, 2023
All students are welcome to wear Halloween or Fall shirts. Uniform bottoms for Kindergarten.
November 9th
11:30 am - 2:30 pm
ECC campus will dismiss at 11:30 am on this day. There will be NO Aftercare at ECC. There will be a shuttle bus from ECC to Bearss for parents to pick up their students to attend the Fall Festival as a family.
Football & Baseball fields and the Pavilion
All ECC & ES Families
Upper School Theatre Presents
November 3rd & 4th
7:00 pm
Disclaimer: This content may contain elements such as gunshots, murder, humorous interactions with deceased bodies, and sexual innuendos. Please be advised that these elements are presented in a lighthearted and innocent manner. Viewer discretion is advised, and we encourage individuals to exercise their judgment while engaging with this content.
In Case You Missed It!
Parent Education Event: Learning Through the Primary Years Programme
For presentations and documents from previous Parent Education Series events, please visit here.
Registration for Winter Sports is Open!
CDS is excited to roll out the 2023-2024 Carrollwood Day School Friends of the Performing Arts!
New membership levels for every division.
Dawn Wilson
Head of Lower School
Email me!
2023 - 2024
Elementary School Key Dates
The Patriot Spirit Shop will be open on October 22 - 29, 2023
New designs this month, including the 2023-2024 Spirit Shirt!
Please join us for an All Pro Dad meeting during the 2023-2024 school year.
All meetings start at 7:00 am
November 14
All Pro Dads is a long-standing program at Carrollwood Day School for fathers and their elementary-school age kids (1st-5th) to spend time together to create community, have some breakfast and a little fun while exploring a character-based topic.
Siblings are welcome.
October 27th, 2023
Students are encouraged to come to school dressed as a book character. Please make sure your child has a uniform to change into after festivities. ES students will participate in a book parade immediately after Morning Opening. Parents are welcome to attend. Afterward, our students have been invited to participate in a Trunk-or-Treat organized by the CDS upperclassmen.
October 31st, 2023
All students are welcome to wear Halloween or Fall shirts with uniform bottoms.
November 9th
10:30 - 11:30 am
All ES Families
During your conferences, you received a family project due Nov. 2nd. We invite you to come into the classroom to share your traditions and culture from November 1 to 16. Please contact your child's teacher to schedule a time to visit.
November 9th
11:30 am - 2:30 pm
Football & Baseball fields and the Pavilion
All ECC & ES Families
The Auxiliary Department will be offering aftercare from 11:30 am - 6:00 pm for Elementary students only. Parents will need to pre-register their children.
Upper School Theatre Presents
November 3rd & 4th
7:00 pm
Disclaimer: This content may contain elements such as gunshots, murder, humorous interactions with deceased bodies, and sexual innuendos. Please be advised that these elements are presented in a lighthearted and innocent manner. Viewer discretion is advised, and we encourage individuals to exercise their judgment while engaging with this content.
In Case You Missed It!
Parent Education Event: Learning Through the Primary Years Programme
For presentations and documents from previous Parent Education Series events, please visit here.
Registration for Winter Sports is Open!
CDS is excited to roll out the 2023-2024 Carrollwood Day School Friends of the Performing Arts!
New membership levels for every division.
The elementary office is not regularly staffed after 4:00 pm daily. Access to the building can be gained through International Square or the Multi-purpose Room.
Connections Matter at CDS!
Middle School
Chuck Maddox
Head of Middle School
Email me!
2023 - 2024
Middle School Key Dates
Middle school is a wonderful time for exploration and discovery, and students are encouraged to try something new. From Model UN, Math Counts, and Art Club, the Middle School FLEX (Flexible Learning EXperiences) Program offers something for everyone.
FLEX activities meet before school, during lunch, and after school and are for students to get academic assistance. Parents should email teachers, club sponsors, or MS Learning Specialist, Aliya Killion with any questions.
Ever wonder who to call for what? Here is a quick and easy Middle School Contact Card.
Connections Matter at CDS!
IB Grading 101
Friday, October 27th @ 8:15 am & 2:00 pm
Babb Lab
Middle and Upper School families are invited to join Nancy Hsu and Sabrina McCartney for CDS Grading 101: What is IB Grading and why is it better for our students?
October 31st, 2023
All students are welcome to wear Halloween Costumes or Fall shirts with uniform bottoms. Wearing a costume is optional. Those students not in costume must wear their CDS uniform.
- Costumes may not be demeaning to any ethnic group, race, religion, nationality, disability, or gender.
- Costumes may not cause a disruption or distraction to the school program, i.e. no revealing costumes (nightwear, bathing suits, etc.)
- No weapons, toy weapons, or props replicating weapons (sorry no light sabers either) are to be brought to school.
- No costumes are allowed that would completely hide the identity of the student, ie. hazmat suit, gorilla suit, "Scream" character, inflatables, etc.
- Costumes may not show obscene materials or prohibited substances.
- No face masks are permitted (they may not be worn OR carried).
The Patriot Spirit Shop will be open on October 22 - 29, 2023
New designs this month, including the 2023-2024 Spirit Shirt!
Upper School Theatre Presents
November 3rd & 4th
7:00 pm
Disclaimer: This content may contain elements such as gunshots, murder, humorous interactions with deceased bodies, and sexual innuendos. Please be advised that these elements are presented in a lighthearted and innocent manner. Viewer discretion is advised, and we encourage individuals to exercise their judgment while engaging with this content.
6th Grade Space Coast Trip
Date Change - January 18-19, 2024
Parent Meeting Recording
Sign-up Link - Deadline November 30th
7th Grade Keys Trip
Parent Meeting Recording
Trip Flyer
8th Grade D.C. Trip
Parent Meeting Recording
Trip Flyer
CDS is excited to roll out the 2023-2024 Carrollwood Day School Friends of the Performing Arts!
New membership levels for every division.
Parent Workshop on Anxiety hosted by Assistant Head of Middle School, Stacey Frankel and Middle School Counselor, Sara Tullis
Please remind your student that they need to bring their Flik lunch ID Cards when they are buying anything from FLIK. Our goal is to make the FLIK line as quick as possible to ensure an enjoyable lunch. Students who do not have their FLIK cards cannot purchase items from the Food Truck. The Food Truck is only for students who have their cards. Please see Ms. Burkowske to get a replacement card.
Power Hour writing lab where creativity meets critical thinking
Every Wednesday!
7:45 - 8:45 am
Room 138
All middle school students
Registration for Winter Sports is Open!
It's time to buy your 8th Grade Yearbook Ad!
Ad Sales will run September 1st - January 3rd.
Don't miss the opportunity to purchase an ad for your senior in this year's yearbook. For the Class of 2028, we are offering a ¼ page option.
8th grade ads are listed as "Business Ads"
Upper School
Stephen Higgins
Head of Upper School
Email me!
2023 - 2024
Upper School Key Dates
Upper School Theatre Presents
November 3rd & 4th
7:00 pm
Disclaimer: This content may contain elements such as gunshots, murder, humorous interactions with deceased bodies, and sexual innuendos. Please be advised that these elements are presented in a lighthearted and innocent manner. Viewer discretion is advised, and we encourage individuals to exercise their judgment while engaging with this content.
Students not attending the field trip do not have to be at school.
10th Grade Boston Trip
When: April 9 - 12, 2024
Parent Meeting Recording
Connections Matter at CDS!
Starting March 2024, the PSAT and SAT will move to a digital format.
Please refer to the email sent on 9/26 for more information.
IB Grading 101
Friday, October 27th @ 8:15 am & 2:00 pm
Babb Lab
Middle and Upper School families are invited to join Nancy Hsu and Sabrina McCartney for CDS Grading 101: What is IB Grading and why is it better for our students?
The Patriot Spirit Shop will be open on October 22 - 29, 2023
New designs this month, including the 2023-2024 Spirit Shirt!
October 31st, 2023
All students are welcome to wear Halloween Costumes or Fall shirts with uniform bottoms. Wearing a costume is optional. Those students not in costume must wear their CDS uniform.
- Costumes may not be demeaning to any ethnic group, race, religion, nationality, disability, or gender.
- Costumes may not cause a disruption or distraction to the school program, i.e. no revealing costumes (nightwear, bathing suits, etc.)
- No weapons, toy weapons, or props replicating weapons (sorry no light sabers either) are to be brought to school.
- No costumes are allowed that would completely hide the identity of the student, ie. hazmat suit, gorilla suit, "Scream" character, inflatables, etc.
- Costumes may not show obscene materials or prohibited substances.
- No face masks are permitted (they may not be worn OR carried).
11th Grade College Information Night
Thursday, November 2nd @ 6:45 pm
Student Union
Juniors, it is your opportunity to get a head start on the college admission process! Please join college counseling for this mandatory program to provide relevant information as you enter a key point in your college search and selection process. This program is considered mandatory for both students and at least one parent.
We will discuss the following action items:
- The timeline between November 2023 and November 2024
- How to have effective college search conversations at home
- The importance and definition of demonstrated interest
- How colleges evaluate applications
- A standardized testing timeline
- The college counseling advisory class
CDS is excited to roll out the 2023-2024 Carrollwood Day School Friends of the Performing Arts!
New membership levels for every division.
11th Grade Science Collaborative Project
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Please remind your student that they need to bring their Flik lunch ID Cards when they are buying anything from FLIK. Our goal is to make the FLIK line as quick as possible to ensure an enjoyable lunch.
New from FLIK - Preorder a school lunch on the QuickCharge app & get a FREE cookie!
Power Hour writing lab where creativity meets critical thinking
Every Wednesday!
8:15 - 9:00 am
Room 138
All upper school students
Registration for Winter Sports is Open!
Remember to check the Senior Parent Portal page on the website for the latest senior information.
It's time to buy your Senior Yearbook Ad!
Ad Sales will run September 1st - January 3rd.
Don't miss the opportunity to purchase an ad for your senior in this year's yearbook. For the Class of 2024, we are offering two different sizes: Full and ½ page options.
Athletics Info & Dates
CDS Athletics uses GoFan online ticketing.
CDS GoFan page
Patriot fans can find upcoming events on the CDS GoFan page and purchase tickets quickly and easily in advance. This will save time at the gate and allow for a contactless and simple experience when fans arrive at the gym or the field.
GoFan is the official digital ticketing partner for FHSAA, and is used for playoff games in the state of Florida.
Volleyball Regionals!
Come support our #1 in the State, lady Patriots as they take on Cardinal Mooney.
Friday, October 27th at 7:00 pm in the Hayes Family Gymnasium
Friday, October 27th at 7:00 pm
We will be honoring our senior athletes in Football, Cheer, Golf, and Cross Country during halftime!
Registration for Winter Sports is Open!
CDS is excited about the 2023-2024 Carrollwood Day School Booster Club!
We will offer three windows for membership. The first window is from now until the first home football game, on October 6th. We will open again for a two-week window for winter sports and again in the spring.
Your membership is good for your family for the entire 2023-2024 school year so,
MS Athletics
US Athletics Event
Key Info
Parents, please make sure that you are logging into your Veracross profile and updating your pick-up authorization section (under your household profile) as you have different people picking up your students. Moving forward, CDS will not be able to release students to unauthorized personnel.
For the 2023-2024 school year, all student medical and sports information will be in Magnus Health. Make sure you have completed your students State Required Forms prior to the first day of school. You can access your Magnus Health account via your Veracross Parent Portal.
Accessing Account: Cayce French
Health Forms: CDS Nurse
Athletic Forms: Jill Bondurant
For new students, if you have not yet received a Schoology account, please contact Ms. Benziger in the Admissions office.
Did you know that CDS has a VIMEO channel that houses all our recordings of parent coffees, event videos, and so much more?
Please note that any texts that are sent from CDS will have "From CDS:" at the beginning of it. If you receive a text without our heading in front of it, please assume it is not from our school. Email CDS if you have any questions.
Students with zero or negative balances on their Flik account will not be allowed to purchase snacks.
Flik serves scratch prepared lunches to students in all divisions. You can also order FLIK lunches for some field trips.
Reminder if your CDS students will be riding the bus, please fill out the 2023-2024 Transportation Agreement form.
All late arrivals and early dismissals need to come through the elementary front office. The gate to the east lot is closed from 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. for security purposes. Please enter through the main gate at the west entrance, pull through the cut through behind the Center for Innovation, and into the west lot to enter the ES office.
Upper School students are welcome to remain on campus after dismissal. After school policies have been established to enable students to remain on campus and participate in athletic team practices/games and other supervised after school activities. No student will be allowed to "hang out" on campus unsupervised after dismissal.
Early Dismissal and Absences should now be recorded in Veracross. Log into your Parent Portal and click the "Submit an Absence" on the right hand side.
Per your 2023-2024 CDS enrollment agreement, all Do Not Photo requests must be made to the CDS Marketing Department. If you do not want your child to be photographed during the school year please fill out the Do Not Photo request.
CDS uses the PikMyKid app to help improve the flow of traffic during dismissal. By default, all children have been set up in the app to be picked up in carline. See page 3 of the PikMyKid Instruction packet to make adjustments to your child's dismissal plan. (These changes can be done daily or scheduled for a block of days.)
- Indicate if your child will be staying for aftercare.
- You can add other approved contacts to pick up your child. Be sure to have your non-CDS parent contacts (grandparents, nanny, etc.) set up the PikMyKid app on their smartphone as well.
- If your child is carpooling with another family, be sure to indicate that change on the applicable calendar date.
- PikMyKid Parent FAQs
Every week our CDS Community amazes us with their innovation, creativity, character, and excellence. Read some unbelievable stories about our CDS Patriots.
Middle School students are welcome to remain on campus after dismissal. After school policies have been established to enable students to remain on campus and participate in athletic team practices/games and other supervised after school activities. No student will be allowed to "hang out" on campus unsupervised after dismissal.
Stay Informed with SeeSaw
Seesaw is the primary communication tool used by Elementary and ECC teachers. Seesaw provides a secure and safe, easy-to-use, way for students, teachers, and parents to seamlessly communicate and collaborate to enhance students’ learning and success. Seesaw is a digital portfolio that students will use to showcase what they are learning and doing at school and share with their family.
Ever wonder how you can get involved and help at CDS? iVolunteer is where you'll find numerous opportunities. From events to classroom activities, it's all there. It takes a village!
CDS has partnered with The Social Institute (TSI), the leader in empowering students to navigate their social world -- online and offline-- to fuel their health, happiness, and future success.
Set up a free TSI account to get a Parent Toolkit.
The Safe School Helpline is not for issues that are emergencies or immediate in nature.
If there is an emergency, please call 911
then contact the CDS Security Office.
Need Support Now?
If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org