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October 19, 2023


CDS Spirit Shop

The Patriot Spirit Shop will be open on October 22 - 29, 2023

New designs this month, including the 2023-2024 Spirit Shirt!

Spirit Shop Link


CDS Parent Survey Reminder!

The CDS Parent Survey will be sent out at the end of October. To have your voice count, it is important that you log into Veracross and make sure the person who will complete the survey is indicated as “Household Primary Email.” Only the “Household Primary Email” will receive the email survey. To make sure your primary email address is correct, please click HERE to watch how to access and update your primary household email. Please make your email updates by October 22.

It's a Pink out - October 20th, 2023

All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to wear pink tops (uniform bottoms) to honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month and our fighters and survivors at CDS.

Only 2 days until the big event! Don't miss out on the fun.

The Race Is On! 
Awards for the top 3 males and top 3 females in the following age groups: Under 14, Ages 14-18 and Over 18+.

8:00 am Check-in & FREE Breakfast
9:00 am Races Begin

Volunteers Needed!


CDS Patriot Run 2023 - 10.21.23
Save the Date

MAP Parent Meeting
In case you missed it, download the MAP Parent Guide.

Artificial Intelligence Presentation by Petter Kolm
Wednesday, November 8th, 7:00 pm in the Wagner Entrepreneurial Center
RSVP Now, limited seating