Catching up with our entrepreneurs in the Entrepreneurship Business Investment Team.
The Entrepreneurship Business Investment Team (E.B.I.T.) started January 27 with Forbes 400 member and serial entrepreneur, Todd Wagner, at the helm with the purpose of connecting our Patriot students with experts in various industries who know what it takes to be an entrepreneur in the 21st century. Each week students heard from speakers who focused on either the E, B, or I of the club's name and it was followed the next week by a lab activity that expanded on the concepts that were covered.
With world leaders in the entrepreneurial, business, and investment fields as some of the speakers, CDS students have had an unparalleled opportunity to gain insight and education from some titans of industry.
Some of the most notable speakers have been:
- Todd Wagner, serial entrepreneur, Focus: Entrepreneurism
- Lauren Werner, Capsule, Focus: Learning to Run A Business
- Corbin Best, J.P. Morgan, Focus: Investment 101
- Sky Hansen, Options Lab, Focus: Investments, with a highlight on Options Trading
- Jesse Draper, Halogen Ventures, Focus: Entrepreneurs
- John Hawkins, Generation Partners, Focus: Entrepreneurs
Additionally, Mrs. Kari Wagner led an Investor Pitch Challenge competition for the members of EBIT. Students formed partnerships to devise a business idea and then composed their own business canvas model. The teams then created a 6-slide presentation to pitch their idea. special guest, John Hawkins with Generation Partners a venture capitalist firm, served as a mentor and gave participants valuable feedback so they could tweak their pitches before the actual competition.
Below are just some of the reflections the students had after Mr. Wagner visited.
"My favorite quote of Mr. Wagner is "life is a journey, not a destination." - Sheng Z.
"My favorite notion is that of being a business (and life) DECATHLETE." - Jago S.
"My favorite quote from Mr. Wagner is 'Ready-Fire-Aim." Daniel M.
As the end of the year comes to a close, EBIT is sure to be a fixture at CDS for years to come as it aligns with our mission to develop entrepreneurial thinkers for a global society.
Thank you to the Wagner Family for their time and efforts in making this club a success and to CDS Middle School Humanities teacher, Cheryl George, for being the faculty advisor.