Mackenzie Tapinos, a seventh grader at CDS, and a passionate equestrian since the age of five, has triumphantly returned home as a World’s Champion after competing in the 121st World’s Championship Horse Show. This prestigious event, known as the world’s most renowned Saddlebred competition, took place from August 17-24, 2024, in the heart of the equestrian world - Louisville, Kentucky.
This prestigious event draws competitors from around the globe, with one of its standout features being the Saddle Seat Equitation division. In this division, riders under 18, including Mackenzie, display their exceptional skills.
Riding her outstanding horse, Twenty Four Karat Magic, Mackenzie impressed judges with her mastery of fundamentals, showcasing her style, precision, and control in the arena.
This was Mackenzie’s first time competing at the World’s Championship Horse Show, and earning first place in her division granted her the title of World’s Champion. This remarkable achievement is a testament to her dedication, skill, and unwavering commitment. As a proud member of the United Professional Horsemen’s Association (UPHA), and trained out of Visser Stables in Versailles Kentucky, Mackenzie exemplifies the proficiency and devotion that define this elite community.
With her family standing firmly by her side, Mackenzie’s mother proudly shares these heartfelt words: "We are beyond proud of her for her dedication, commitment, and for never giving up! I've always told Mackenzie that if she can see it in her mind, she can hold it in her hands, and to never give up on her dreams! This has truly been a dream come true for her."
Mackenzie Tapinos' journey to becoming a World’s Champion is a shining example of what can be achieved through hard work, enthusiasm, and perseverance, even at a very young age. Her family, trainers, and the CDS community are all incredibly proud of her success at the 121st World’s Championship Horse Show. As she continues to ride toward new goals, Mackenzie inspires young equestrians everywhere. We cannot wait to see what her future holds!